On Tuesday 4th October, clients and partners, members of our Businesssense community gathered together at our second Businesssense event held at Moxull Hall, Sutton Coldfield where we had the pleasure of Dr Dorian Dugmore, speaking on the topic of Health is Wealth. Dr. Dugmore has worked in Cardiovascular Medicine and Wellness for 30 years and has written extensively on health, exercise and heart disease. He has worked with several companies in the United Kingdom including Schwarz Pharma, an international pharmaceutical company and Adidas, the sporting goods company.
During his presentation, Dr Dorian looked at:
- The importance of looking after your health alongside your wealth
- Key factors that help you delay the ageing process and reduce the risk of premature heart disease, diabetes and cancer
- Understanding stress as a risk factor for heart disease and how to cope with this and build resilience.
The presentation was really well received with all of the topics being presented from an evidence base with interesting and humorous anecdotes from the corporate and sporting world, making it relatable to everyone in the audience. We had some fabulous feedback, all of us agreeing that we have to sometimes take stock of how our stress levels really do affect our overall health and mental wellbeing.
The evening finished with drinks and super food served by the fabulous team at Moxull Hall, even including healthy smoothies in keeping with the theme of the evening. Guests had the opportunity to network with likeminded individuals, sharing experiences and knowledge and ultimately, and, where possible business. This is exactly what these events are designed to do and, as such the next one will be held on the evening of 7th March 2023. Find more about Businesssense here