You can’t predict the future. The hard truth is that the way you feel about your partner today may not be the way you feel as life evolves. Marriage is wonderful. Marriage is difficult. That is why it is so important to have pragmatic discussions about what might happen if your feelings change in the future now, when you are sitting on the same side of the table and both truly want what is best for each other.
Henwood Court Chartered Financial Planner, Declan Kirby and Mike Follis, Enoch Evans Solicitors Family and Divorce specialist, discuss the importance of considering a prenup as part of your wider financial planning, considering the following issues:
- What is a prenup?
- Are they legally enforceable?
- Who can prenups help? What happens if we are already married?
- When do prenups need to be implemented?
- What does a prenup cover?
- How is it prepared?
- What if clients have assets abroad or they have foreign connections?
- What is the appropriate cost?
Watch this insightful discussion here: