Henwood Connect
Welcome to our client portal

Henwood Court
Henwood Connect
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new secure online service – Henwood Connect – providing you with a clear, uncomplicated view of all your finances, in one place. Your investments, savings, pensions, insurances, mortgages, loans, bank accounts, credit cards and property, alongside all the associated paperwork.
Henwood Connect is available on your desktop and as an app on your tablet and smart phone, with your finances beautifully brought together under a single login accessible to you at any time, wherever you are.
So what does this mean for you?
It is a secure communication portal between you and us. Email is no longer fit for purpose. It is not secure and is neither a safe nor efficient way to communicate. With secure messaging we can both log into an encrypted database where the messages are stored, meaning a full audit trail of communication is recorded in a WhatsApp style conversation.
Henwood Connect also offers:
- A comprehensive view of your investment portfolio
- Quick access to your insurance details whenever you need them
- Value tracking for your home and other properties
- Tools for managing your spending and income
- Secure document sharing between you and your adviser
- Safe storage for all your important documents
- Reminders for upcoming financial events, such as renewals
For assistance or any inquiries, please contact our in-house portal champion, Georgia Platt: georgia.platt@henwoodcourt.co.uk
Henwood court
client portal
Log-in to access your portfolio by simply clicking the appropriate button below and you will be taken to your log-in page where you will be asked to enter your security details.
When you use either of the services shown above to access your portfolio on the Transact or Wealthtime platforms you will leave the website of Henwood Court Financial Planning Limited. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the content of the web site you are moving to. Please make yourself fully aware of the content and risk warnings of this site.
Please keep your login details safe and confidential. If other people use your computer make sure you log out properly at the end of your session.
If you have any problems logging in or cannot recall your user name or password, or you need help or further information about accessing your portfolio online please contact us.
As an independent firm of financial planning and wealth management consultants, we provide investment services from the whole market and as such recommend a variety of different providers selected relative to a client’s specific objectives. We have included a link to Wealthtime and Transact only at this stage as we believe at the present time these providers offer an efficient online functionality which clients have indicated they find helpful and easy to use and for which a direct link via our website would be helpful.
If we recommend any other providers we will forward to you separately your specific details for accessing your portfolio online. We are constantly reviewing the providers to whom we provide a direct access link via our website and we will be adding further links in the future.