Yvonne Till


At work

In Yvonne’s role as executive assistant to the managing director, she provides administrative and diary management support as required. Ensuring that alongside Nick’s client work he has capacity to fulfil his strategic and management responsibilities.

Yvonne also helps the associate planner efficiently and effectively onboard new Financialsense® clients, ensuring a smooth onboarding and issuing of engagement terms whilst managing existing client relationships. With more than 25 years’ experience in customer service, Yvonne has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from that is invaluable to Henwood Court.


At home

Yvonne is married to Adrian and they have two children, Jade and Harry. 

In her spare time, Yvonne supports charities, including Macmillan Cancer and Walk the Walk: Uniting against Breast Cancer. Yvonne will claim she isn’t sporty, but that hasn’t stopped her completing four full marathons, raising in excess of £3,000 in the process.

Spotlight questions

Getting to know

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The client interaction and keeping the boss in order. Plus ensuring birthdays are always celebrated with a cake!

What motivates you at work?

Our clients – to ensure we deliver on expectations.

Who inspires you? Why?

My children and my late father. They are my world and my father was an amazing role model who showed me what could be achieved through hard work and commitment.

Tell us something people may be surprised to learn about you…

I have a full motorcycle licence.

What’s at the top of your bucket list?

To stay happy and healthy.

contact us

We’re here to help

0121 313 1370
The Cruck Barn
20 Country Park View
Sutton Coldfield
B76 1TE
