During your working life there is lots of advice available to help you make the best career and employment decisions. They usually ensure that you find a job that is both fulfilling and satisfying. But on leaving the workplace and retiring or pretiring there is no or very little advice available to help you determine what you need to do to achieve a fulfilling and satisfying retirement. This is where Henwood Court can help you.
We will work with you, helping you to define what you want to achieve in life and help you achieve it. It’s not airy-fairy, it’s objective, analytical and results orientated and it might be just the initial impetus you need to start planning your retirement.
Our Executive Retirement Programmes (ERPs) are designed to help support senior executives successfully transition from work to retirement or ‘pre-tirement’[1], to become more ‘Retirement Ready’, helping with the big decisions and reducing the stresses that such a big transition may cause.
Retirement ready is when emotional readiness to retire combined with financial capacity to retire are in sync.
Our ERPs are 1-1 workplace programmes with the executives’ and their spouse/partner and take place over a period of 12-26 weeks contained within 3 Stages. This will focus on creating a retirement life plan, and financial plan that will support this life plan, to include help with financial issues in particular consideration of pension settlement options and where necessary Lifetime and Annual Allowance analysis.
The programme follows the below format.
- Stage One – Discovery
This is where we focus on getting to know you, how you have got to where you are and what you really want to get out of life today and into retirement. We will also consider your perceptions of money, and what is important to you. Without fully understanding you (not just your money), we are not qualified to give you the right financial advice that needs to be aligned with your life plan and ambitions. We’ll also take time during this stage to comprehensively gather information on your existing financial position.
- Stage Two – Creating your Retirement Life Plan
During this phase and after a period of consideration, we will agree what your Ideal life looks like – building your retirement life plan that clarifies when you wish to retire (or pre-tire), how you wish to live your life within a step by step organiser which includes a timeline of goals (such as the age you want the option to retire) and actions that are required to live this life. It will also include habits that you will need to adopt to help you emotionally transition from work to retirement.
- Stage Three – Your Financial Plan
From the outset we will have been gathering and analysing information about your financial resources, including pensions, investments, insurance policies while appraising current and projected future inflows and outflows. These will be reviewed and audited with commentary provided in a personalised written financial plan. This plan will include financial cash flow projections and suggested financial strategies that should be employed to afford and actualise the stated retirement life plan.
Implementation of the plan and ongoing wealth management will be available at the executive’s discretion and can be completed with Henwood Court[2] or other suitable authorised advisers.
[1] Pre-tirement describes the emergence of a new working state, positioned between the traditional states of employment and retirement. The state is found primarily in first-world economies with aging populations. A pre-tiree will continue to create economic wealth and/or contribute to the generation of knowledge by research, likely on a part-time or reduced-hours basis..
[2] Implementation of the Financial Planning recommendations is not covered by the cost of the ERP.